It was 3AM in the morning that I returned Home after having been to the "Weinnachtsmarkt" (Christmas market). Of course, these markets close at about 10PM and I was playing Snooker till 2:30AM (And I won 4 games to 2)
I have been observing ever since am here in Germany that almost every month there is always one thing or the other happening at one place or the other (in the near vicinity). The term used is "Fest" which translates into "Festival" in English. Let me cite a few of them:
March - May: "Stadtfest" These are fests that "Rathaus" (Local Municipality) sponsors. A gathering where the entire village comes together. I was surprised to see that almost everyone in my village knows everyone else (I've to say it is not small either, has a population of about 13000). Happens in every town, an opportunity to walk to the Festplatz (Festival hall) and happily get drunk (you need not have to drive back anyways:-). It was in this fest that I heard to “Zap-Gang” a popular rock band in Germany and take it from me - they Rock!
The planning is such that not all StadtFests happen at the same time. They are spread so that you can still enzoy in the neighborhood village if you miss yours!
June - August: Peak Summertime. The time of the year when one can see everyone cycling. The “Freibad” (Open air swimming pools) are flocked and so are the Beer Gardens. Lot of open air music fests. I was more than privileged to have my colleague take me to one such music fest - “Das Fest” in Karlsruhe. The biggest gathering in the state here (Baden Wurttemberg), no entry fee but one rolls bottles till death. Good bands invited, both German and English. About 50000, full of life jam packed crowd. Not to mention the orsem food and many small attractions - from tattooing to body piercing. Very sensibly organized with a lot of toilets:-)
This is still, the only time; I have traveled by train in Germany. It was a 20 min train journey from my place to the Fest and I returned by the last train at 1AM - which reminded me of Mumbai local trains (am serious)
Sept - October: “Winzerfest”. This is how the Autumn is celebrated with new wine from the wine yards. It is called “Nuerwein” (New wine) which is sweet and served in .5 l glasses. Got to be careful as it starts fermenting once it is in your belly:-) the less you drink, more it becomes:- Even these are planned in advance and well spread across the region. Nothing to worry if you've missed to sip new wine at your place - It’ll be newer next week in the neighborhood
Not to mention the Beer fests in October - Though it is only the Munich fest which makes to papers, October beer fests is a commonality, I guess throughout EU. (I was in Belgium in the last week of October and I saw a poster titled October Beer Fest)
November - December: "Weinnachtsmarkt" - Christmas Night Market. Open all day but attracts crowd during evening and nights. Bummer on freezing temperature. Who cares?! You have "Gluhwein"! It is a wine that is zested with aromatic spices and many other liqueurs. Served hot, the best hot wine I've had. Imagine sipping hot wine at night amidst snow! Ofcourse, you could soon find yourself in no man's land if you abuse 'em
"SauerKraut": A typical German dish - fermented shredded cabbage and sausages, served with Wine. A delicacy in the Rheinland Pfalz (A state in south Germany). However, there is also a fest by this name in Autumn. It was in November first week at my village.
I’ll stop here. I reckon there a couple more like this but let me conclude.
I was said that the people here in Germany (rather Europeans) are more to themselves and do not have or enjoy much of social life. My friend says “reality is stranger than fiction” and so it is! Come what may, rain, snow, storm, scorching heat, folks just do not care. They just do it. They are right there with Jack Wolfskins, Umbrellas, Buggies, , - - - but they are. Nothing matters. They do come out and enjoy, do a lot of small talk (though there is nothing called as small talk for Germans. You ask “How is the weather today”, rest assured, you’ll get a weather report), greet everyone with all pleasure; beer’s on the floor, so are music and food
And these fests in fact act as a catalyst in keeping them alive. No doubts about it.
A striking fact is that we have festivals spread throughout the year in India too. Each one has its own timing and significance. Now, to look at the basic principle, we have invented festivals to come out of our couches, look around, network, socialize, appreciate life and rejuvenate. It is in this sense the festivals are to be lived.
Until next Fest,
Nammurkade Basavanagudi, kallekayi parshe mugitu hoodhavara.
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