Saturday, February 14, 2009

Go green Bengaluru!

It was early this week that I watched the video on Youtube:

It features the MD of SAP Labs Gurgaon who commutes to his Office on his bicycle. I was almost immediately wondering if we can have this Tip in Cities like Bengaluru which boasts of the largest number of two wheelers in the World.

Not any later, I started connecting to the phenomena explained superbly in the book The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Am sure, his name sounds familiar even to the most amateur of readers (like me). The Tipping Point is an explanation of how trends explode. It offers a great insight into how practices/trends/behaviors/opinions initiated as small time incidents/events suddenly grow exponentially.
One of my own all time favorite example of such a trend is Pubbing! I still remember the time when there were only a handful of Pubs in Bengaluru during my Engineering years (1998 - 2002) and Bengaluru now boasts of the best Pubs in the Country, each one of them horribly crowded all week!

Now, back to my earlier thought on a greener Bengaluru, I hereby present my few cents (largely motivated by The Tipping Point) to Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BMP). I call it the Octcycle programme:

  1. Install Bicycle stands. Start with happening hubs like Jayanagar 4th block, Koramangala (Near JNC), Malleshwaram (Sampige Rd), Forum, Garuda Mall
    It can come with a nominal parking fee and a security service can be called for as well
  2. Install trendy hoardings in all such places, giving room for Bicycle shops to advertise as well
  3. Broaden a bare minimum of the footpaths and make way for the Cyclists
  4. Penalize Motorists for exhibiting their exemplary skills of driving on footpaths
  5. Organize Bicycle marathons. Call for an event management company and let it do the rest. Am sure many Institutions will come forward to sponsor the event
  6. Let it roll through City fests like Bengalura Habba (or is it still called Bangalore Habba?)
  7. Get the RJs and VJs talk about Bicycles in their Programs. Get the FM channels feature public figures using Bicycles (at least for short distances) as their mode of transport
  8. Get the happening pubs in/around these hubs to offer free Beers for the lucky Bicycle winner of the weekend

All the above if done even with a bare minimum of diligence can - not only improve the traffic situation in Bengaluru but also churn a bit of revenue to your kitties. So, this is yet another opportunity for you guyz to ascertain your existence!

1 comment:

  1. Tipping point on addiction is good in that book :-)

    mate there is no footpath to walk... forget footpath for cycling ;-)

    Instead of fast moving Motor-cycles we will have slow moving Nonmotor-cycles on the road.. Doesn't help much.. the space taken is the same..

    the only solution is improve public transprot... which people are trying with Metro.. Hope it is delivered on time...
